then find the numbers. Mr. Bidur Bastola

The sum of ages of mother and her daughter is 83 years, when the mother age was equal to the present

The sum of the ages of father and son is 45 yrs. If both live on until the son's age becomes equal..

Solving two variable equations by elimination method...

The semi- annual compound amounts on a sum of money in 15 months and 21 months are Rs. 12705 and Rs.

If 'S' is the sum of the terms of G.P. 'P' is the product of the terms of G.P and 'R' is the sum of

Important question from sequence and series...

Rs. 9000 were divided equally among a certain number of students. Had there been 20 more students...

If l^th , m^th and n^th terms of a GP are in GP then show that l,m and n are in AP.

If a^x = b^y = c^z and b^2 = ac then prove that :- 2/y = 1/x + 1/z.

Second Part of Some important prove questions of trigonometry from class 8 and 9...

If l, m and n are in A.P and p, q and r are in G.P then prove that: p^(m-n). q^(n-l). r^(l-m) = 1.

If the Q3 or third quartile of the data is 60, then find the value of 'm'.

Prove that: tan 6°.tan 42°.tan 66°.tan 78° = 1

Problem related to two digits number.

If A+B+C=180⁰ then prove that: cot 2A. cot 2B + cot 2B. cot 2C + cot 2C. cot 2A = 1

If a,b,c are pth, qth and rth term of an A.P, prove that : p(b-c)+q(c-a)+r(a-b)=0.

If a^x = b^y = c^z and abc = 1, then prove that:- 1/x + 1/y + 1/z = 0.

If the line x/a + y/b = 1 passes through the point of intersection of the lines x+y=3 and 2x-3y=1

Important question from the geometry of class 9...

If A+B+C=180° then prove that: sin(B+2C)+sin(C+2A)+sin(A+2B) = 4sin(B-C)/2.sin(C-A)/2.sin(A-B)/2.

Prove that: cosec10° - √3 sec10° = 4

In the given figure O is the centre of the circle. AB the diameter and DO perpendicular to AB then..

Prove that: sin⁴ A = 3/8 - 1/2 cos 2A + 1/8 cos 4A

If the line xcosA+ysinA = P passes through the point of intersection of lines X=2y and x-y+1=0 and..